Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's been a while.

It has been quite a while since I have posted.  I stayed in Korea during my summer vacation and went to a beach town called Busan.  I could not get a visa in time in order to go to China.  I have been in Korea now for two months.  I can not believe it.  It has flown.  Before I know it, the year will be gone.  I'm adjusting to the culture a lot better now and starting to like work more and more.  I have started to learn Korean because the language barrier is too great.  I need to know some basic words in order to get around.  It is a challenge everyday I'm in Seoul, because if I'm lost it's up to me to find the way.  Asking people gets you no where because of the language barrier.  It's frustrating from time to time, but I have learned to over come it and now I'm sort of use to it.  I'm still getting sick constantly due to the air quality.  About every two weeks I'm sick.  :(   Hopefully I will be able to go 3-4 weeks without getting sick.  It's still extremely hot here and I can not wait till Fall.  Something everyday still surprises me, so I'm not completely use to everything.  I have a field trip this Friday with my kindergarten class and we are going to see Peter Pan the musical.  I'm quite excited for it.  It will be in Korean, but it should be fun to hang out with my little 6 yr olds all day.  Babysitting for a day, can't complain.  Well I'm going to try to keep this up to date a little more often than what I have.  Till then, I'm out....