Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Why does dating have to be so difficult?  It's such a grey area in one's life and there really is no rules on how to do it.  No one can teach you, no one can tell you the outcome of a situation because it varies from person to person.  Its just complicated and no one really has an answer to how, why, when, what, and who?  You must learn how to play the game in order to not get hurt in the long run.  Me and my roommates were discussing this topic tonight and I thought it raises many questions, so please comment!

What is dating and why do we do it, When is the right time to start dating, who do we date, and how do we do it?   

So many questions and not a black and white answer... 

Monday, December 14, 2009


Last night there was a White House Christmas special that Oprah did with the Obamas.  The controversy today on "The View" was should Obama have given himself a B+ for his overall grade for this year as president.  Most of the ladies on the show disagreed on the grade he gave himself.  They thought it was way too high.  I think a solid B would have been more appropriate but nothing lower. He justified his answer very well and said that he has stabilized the economy and has given out benefits to the people who have lost their jobs.  Yes cash for clunkers wasn't the best plan to get gas guzzlers off of the road, because it did have its problems.  But other than that I can't complain.  He is sending in more troops next year, but has a plan on when we will be taking them out.  He has also helped relations with other countries and the economy now is in the up swing.  Yes we won't be able to see that for a while, but it definitely is not getting worse at the current moment.  So overall I was happy with the grade he gave himself.  A B would have been a little bit more reasonable, but I can't complain!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Why are frat houses all about picking up freshman girls?  I went to the Delt house tonight, and its all about the guys getting the freshman as drunk as they can.  They gave out free shots to all the girls and danced a little too dirty for my taste.  I miss the Swedish style parties!  :(    It was def. interesting night to say the least!  Cannot wait till Sweden.  Only a couple more weeks!  :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Moon

I finally got to see New Moon.  I must say that it was amazing!  :)  I think I'm all about Team Jacob.  Yes, Edward is still hot in the movie, but gosh he just can't compete with Jacob's body!  I think the book is better over all though.  Well I'm glad I finally got to see it   :)

Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving was amazing!  I went to NYC and it was so good to be with my family again on Thanksgiving, after having to miss it last year because I was studying abroad.  Some of my international friends went to NYC as well for the holidays so I got to show them around and hang out with them, in the big apple.  That was a lot of fun.  Saw David Guetta perform at Pacha which is a club.  Gosh his music is so good, and the club was insane.  Over 7,000 people were there!  (we asked the bouncer)  :)   It was def. a fire hazard, but when your having a good time, you don't really think about that!  haha... Only if Muncie had clubs like that and had big name DJ's that performed.  I could go every weekend!  :)  We then took a limo home from the club.  That was really random because we were looking for a cab, but the limo pulls up and says I will take all of you for $15.  We were like, heck we cant even get two cabs for $15.  There was 6 of us.  So that worked out really well.  Great way to end the night at 5 in the morning! :) 

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sweden I love you, but c'mon!!!

Immigrant Weddings in Sweden are suddenly being looked down upon.  In the town Landskrona immigrants who would like to get married are suddenly being denied because of stereotypes.  The town says that immigrants usually leave a mess and when it comes to paying rent for the space, they just pay one large sum in a wad of bills.  The "Swedes" said they do not follow the norms of the Swedish society.  If people in America said that to everyone who was a different race or nationality the country would be an a uproar.  America was built on immigrants.  I feel from past experiences that Europeans don't understand the concept of the "melting pot" and look down on people from other countries.  Of course, I'm stereotyping just a bit, because its certainly not everyone from Europe, but in general a lot of nationalities in Europe do look down on other nationalities either because of history or other reasons.  Sweden needs to learn to accept other nationalities, may it be immigrants or people of different backgrounds that were born in Sweden.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanksgiving and New Years

Those two holidays are just around the corner.  I will be going to NYC for Thanksgiving.  Anyone who I have not contacted and want to see me, leave me a post.  For New Years I will be going back to Sweden for about 2 weeks.  Same thing, if I have not contacted you, be sure to get a hold of me.  I would like to see everyone again!  Would be AMAZING! 
I'm also super pumped that Clara will becoming to visit me Jan. 11th!  Thats going to be awesome.  Cannot wait!  :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So i have been really bad about posting.  I just booked my concert ticket for David Guetta in NYC Nov. 27th.  It's a club party and I cannot be more excited.  On top of that I go to NYC Nov. 20th.  :)  Only about 15 more days.  Gosh it can't get better.  Then only about 2 more months I will be in Sweden once again to celebrate New Years.  OMG!  It's just so exciting.  I just booked my final classes that I will take of my college career.  Now thats a little scary and exciting at the same time.  I'm finally going be a "grown up"!  WHOA!  Don't know if I'm ready for that role yet.  Still not quite sure what I plan on doing after I get out.  Currently I still plan on applying to teach in South Korea for a year then go into my respected career path.  We will see where the cards fall...

Monday, October 19, 2009


In the studio working on my audio band recording.  Must say that it's fun, but can be a little frustrating at times when you don't know how to work the equipment.  Have been really busy with school and that is why I have not been able to write on my blog as often as I would like.  This past weekend my mom came to BSU and we went tailgating then made our way to the bars.  It was a lot of fun.  Also booked my flight to Sweden for New Years and cannot wait.  I'm so excited to see all of my friends again!  It's going to be amazing.  Well I'm out, must get back to work...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meet me halfway

Last night I went out to Dill St. that has $1.25 you call it on Wednesdays.  It was a great time.  Went with my roommate who just turned 21 on Tuesday.  A lot of people were out last night, which made the night pretty good.  But at the same time, its getting cold and they don't have coat checks in the bar!!!!  What the hell are we suppose to do with our jackets come winter?  Muncie really does suck sometimes!

O and my new favorite song is meet me halfway by blacked eyed peas.  OMG it's so good  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRNQS5UCQQI 

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize???

So I need to voice my opinion on this issue.  Honestly I like Obama, but did he deserve the peace prize?  NO WAY!  As we all know the deadline to nominate people for the peace prize was two weeks after he came president.  He had accomplished nothing within those two weeks.  I agree with the critics, even though I'm for Obama.  He didn't deserve it and as Thelocal.se states ""But at the same time Obama is the president of the biggest military power in the world and is waging two wars in the world. That should certainly disqualify him from a peace prize".  I agree with that statement fully.  Yes, he has done a lot with the world and still is, but he hasn't had a big accomplishment that would qualify him for such an award.  Obama stated himself that he was shocked to know that he won the award; that should say something right there!  I still can not believe he won!    

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Interesting weekend to say the least...

Went to a seminar in Indy for my major, and discovered that it wasn't too helpful, but at least I got to go shopping!  :)   Saturday night, was really random, walked more than actually partied!  :(  Wish the weekend would have turned out a little differently than what it did, but things always happen for a reason, so now we will wait and see what that reason might be!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Air Jam

Went to Air Jam tonight.  It's part of Homecoming week at BSU.  Its basically a talent show that student groups can participate in, but mostly greeks take over.  They almost think they are back at high school homecoming.  Some people just got way too into it, which is fine, but not my style.  Overall it was good fun.

On another note I got to speak to Jonas today on webcam.  OMG i was so happy!  Haven't spoken to him in AGES!  So it was good to hear him, and catch up on things.  Only if he lived down the road! 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Currently working on my audio project that is due this Friday. Yes, I waited till the last minute to do it, like always. The computer just crashed and I lost all of the work I was working on. I'm so fed up with this project. I was working on it for an hour and didn't think to safe it while i was working on it, and well now all of that time and effort is wasted. About to start all over again. Really I can't stand technology sometimes. Why did I even pick this major?!?!?!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It was amazing! Loved the city, but you can definitely tell that it is located in the midwest just by the way people dressed. It's no New York! :( Saw the Willis Tower, Navy Pier, and shopped. O and I had to get me some Jamba Juice! Love it. Got to see Jeff and Jasmijn which was great. Partied hard with them on Friday night. O and gotta love going through the Mc Donalds drive thru on foot. Won't forget that night! :) Now I'm ready to start this week which is going to be very busy. Project due Friday, big exam tomorrow that I'm studying for currently. This Saturday I'm going to Indianapolis for a seminar for my class. Excited about that because I'm also going to do a little shopping while I'm down there too! :)
Gotta get back to the books....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chicago this weekend...

Might be one of the best weekends ever in a long time!!! Jasmijn and I are reuniting after meeting each other in Karlstad. OMG i cannot wait. We will have to relive our swedish partying style! :)
I'm super pumped! It will also be great to see Jeff again. (glad your finally 21) :P O i'm so ready for this weekend to begin. Will be AMAZING!!! :)

Wednesday Nights

This fall season they are playing excellent shows on ABC. Wednesday nights might be my favorite nights of the week now, because of Modern Family and Cougar Town. Saw the series premiere tonight of both of the shows and they are amazing. Modern Family is about the typical family that has problems and can really relate to households. One of the dad's from one of the families is trying to be hip and cool, then you have an older guy married to a younger women, and then a couple that is gay and just adopted a child. Oh gosh, it's so funny! Cougar Town is basically about older women trying to get younger men. Basically, how come guys get high fives when they date older women but when a woman dates a younger man they get looked at like "Quit trying to be young!" haha...Both shows are great and it was quite funny. I also had to film tonight for my video class which I can't stand. Like the class, but not the filming part, which is basically what the class is. Whatever! I will survive!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This photo explains the weekend me and the roommate had! Gosh I must say it was a much needed weekend in a long time. :) Saturday was ok, went to Dill Street once again, but that is a bar you must be drunk in order to go into. Too many wannabes populate that bar! But Friday night made the weekend, even if the morning was a little rough. Your only young once and you might as well enjoy it! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Found the phone

I found my phone, thank goodness! It was in my roommates car. Her brother was our DD and it must have fallen out of my purse and well it was on the back seat in the car. All i can say is glad to have it back! :)

What a night...

Went to a house party last night, and it was great fun! I went with my roomie and really had no idea what party we were going to go to, so as we were walking on the street a mob of people were headed our way so we said what party are you all going to? And what do you know, we follow them there and it turned out to be a great house party. Lots of people, around 60-70. Lost the phone though which hopefully i will find sometime today! I feel naked without it, so lets hope I find it!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Another Monday goes by...
A day full of classes and work. I also had a writing exam that I must pass in order to graduate and it turned out to be pretty easy! Thank goodness! Now I'm here in my room enjoy being by myself and about to watch the finale episode of season two of TRUE BLOOD!!! O me and my vampires, I can't get enough of them!!! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I've gotta feeling

Went to the football game tonight and only stayed till half time. Ball State was losing so i figured i'm bored so i'm going back. They better step up there game if they are going to make it to the mac tourney again! At half time they did a really cool band performance where they played the theme song of thriller and had the band set their instruments down to dance to it as well. It was so great! Now about to head to the after parties which should be AMAZING! Lets hope they win, because then they will be even better! :) Well i'm out....

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Gotta love skype! Got to speak with Caroline and Cate tonight. It was so great. Miss ya guys. Cannot wait till New Years, we are going to have so much fun! It will feel so great to be back in Sweden :) My day was boring otherwise. Classes and work. This weekend is looking pretty good though. Couple of parties and the football game. Tailgating here i come! But i'm sure Caroline will have more fun than me because you are going back to K-town! :( Wish I could come with ya!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Party Bus

This weekend was quite fun. Went home because it was a holiday here, so I spent the 3 day weekend at the parents house. Saturday night it was my friends birthday and she decided to rent a party bus. Never have been on one. Talk about so much fun. About 25-30 of us were on it and we just drank and drank till we got downtown which is about a 30 min. drive. We went to the hofbrauhaus which is exactly setup like the one in Munich. We were dancing on the chairs and having a great time. We then went to another bar which was on the river called Jefferson Hall, which was nice because it had a balcony looking over the Ohio river. We then jumped back on the bus to go home. Of course we all passed out! Made it back, but gosh what a night! Fun times!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Game Day

First Ball State football game of the year! Starts tonight at 7:30 vs. North Texas. I'm tailgating for my very first time. Super excited about it. Hopefully BSU will win, CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Missing Karlstad.

I'm really missing Karlstad right now! This year has not started off too great. A little boring, no crazy parties, and I have been sick. I miss watching drunk Swedes walk around on campus during Nollning. O and how I miss the colored pants. The pink pants are the best ones! :) I just wish my home university was a little bit more about partying rather than always worrying about who is underage drinking! People are going to drink no matter how old they are, so they might as well get over it, and lower the drinking age! I miss all my crazy friends and prepartying in Trio 8! :) O Clara's room=good memories! :) Honestly that whole building. Can't forget about Darvian and Zagros. By the way I still have my mooses :P And a shout out to my research partner, Caroline! :) Wish I could go to England with you and research! BOOO! :( We can't forget about Ida who was always saying "Guys stop! Grow up!" O being 21 is so fun! Then me an Anniina's obsession with our #1 vampire, Edward Cullen! But I will be back soon enough! New Year's 2010! :)


Once again I had to start my day really early! :( Got up at 6:15am! But I must say I love that my last class gets out earlier than scheduled. Could have not sat there any longer. Thank god he let us out an HOUR and HALF early. Now I'm sitting in my wonderful apt. enjoying being in my own room and resting! Have to get better before the first football game, which is Thursday! GO BSU, CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Being sick, sucks! :(

So i have had a cough for a week now. It really sucks. I don't feel sick, its just I cant stop coughing. I went to the doctor, and they checked me out. They also checked me for swine flu, because they thought that was what I had. I sortof knew it would come out negative, but whatever! I also had to wear a mask the whole time I was in the doctors office and while I was being examined by the doctor. Little overrated I must say. Felt a little weird and had plenty of stares in the waiting room. Everyone thought I was diseased or something. Not a fun experience. Then she tells me that I just have a cough and to go to walmart to get medicine. I did not just sit with a mask on for 2 hours to be told to go to walmart to get medicine. They prescribed some type of cough suppressant that didn't even work well, so I still had to go to walmart to get better stuff! CRAZY! But at least I'm on my way to recovery! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of Classes

Started my day off at work at 7:45. Pretty early I must say. I had four classes total that usually would last till 6:45pm on Mondays but since it was the first day we got out early. Thank god! I was so ready for this day to end. It was fun, and it flew by, but gosh it's a lot different than my Swedish classes. I almost felt like a freshman again, because I sortof forgot where some of the buildings were and just how many people went to this university. Also the distance between buildings as well! Overall it was a great first day, but my Mondays will be CRAZY!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Frat Houses

Went out tonight to Frat row, and gosh were the freshman girls out tonight! Move in started yesterday and so the parties begin. I'm way to old to be going to frats I found out tonight. Little embarrassing when a guy asks what year you are and you say your a senior. They sort of just look at you like "WTF are you here?" haha! Never will go back! Did make it over though to Sig Ep and gosh they have a brand new house this year that cost Ball State 3 million dollars. I'm glad thats where my tuition money is going! :( But I must say, it is a pretty tight ass house. Then we all had to be on lock down because the cops came into the house to do the nightly walk around. BORING!
Never will I go back!

Monday, August 17, 2009

True Blood

If you have not seen this TV show, you MUST!!! If you love vampires, it might be the best show on tv yet! WOW! I have been trying to catch up with the current episode by having True Blood marathons! :) The show gets better everytime! I can't get enough of it. I stay up late just to finish an episode. It's sad! I think I'm addicted! :) But who cares!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I finally moved into my new apartment! WOW! I love it. Cannot way for the school year to begin. Took forever to move in, but my mom and I finally finished! Going to lay out today by the pool. Probably all day long! :) I get to finally talk with my friends on skype today. It's been way too long.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wedding in NYC

I have been in the Big Apple for about 5 days now, and loving it! This past Saturday my cousin got married to a guy from St. Louis. The wedding was held in my aunt's event space in downtown Chelsea. The DJ played songs that young people would know, which really got the party started. First time I have actually "partied" with my parents. Must say it was quite fun. Rachel had an amazing dress and I loved the colors of the wedding. Which were purple, light blue, and a light purple. All flowed really well together. I do remember at one point we were reminded by the parents that this is not a club! :) Oops! It was just too much fun. The next morning we all had to get up for brunch, which was really good, and perfect food for such a crazy night! :) Now the newly weds are in Paris, France for 12 days for their honeymoon! Great way to end it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


School starts in about three weeks (Aug. 24th). Cannot believe it. I feel like a full time student, since I just got out of summer school. Sitting at my grandma's currently, in southern Kentucky. Her and I will head for the Lexington airport tomorrow to fly to NYC for my cousin's wedding this Saturday. I will be staying for a week. I really can't wait because I will be seeing family, that I haven't seen in a good 3 years or so. So pumped! :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


These past couple of nights I have been going to the county fair. Must say I miss showing my horse. :( Went to the rodeo last night and tuesday night I went to the tractor pull. Going to a different tractor pull tonight! Should be fun. Hopefully the rain will hold out. Been raining these past couple of days. No fun! :(

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trip to Michigan

I have been very busy these past couple of days. Summer school ended July 24th so I finally got to come home and now I work for my Dad everyday! What fun! Hardly anytime on the computer anymore and recently had to drive to Michigan for work. Had to go and pick up trucks and bring them back to Ohio. Saw a sign in Indiana that said "Find and report Meth". Wow does my country have a drug problem??!!! Then along the same high way I see a billboard that says "Ludlow's Guns, over 1,500 guns for sale, open 7 days a week" Haha...really now! Anytime of the week you can get a gun, no problem! Surprised it didn't say 24/7... :) Then about 100 more miles later we went through a town that is made up just like Switzerland. All the signs were in German. It was definitley an interesting trip to say the least. Then today driving through my town which has about 20 businesses if that, and one of the new businesses that just came in town is called "Baxley's Guns" I really can't get away from the guns. I almost feel like I need to buy one because everyone will have one, it's going to be the cool thing to do pretty soon!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Demolition Derby

Tonight I went to the Muncie Fair and went to the derby, which was a lot of fun. I forgot how fun those really are. I took my Korean friends, which was really fun, because I got to show them a typical "American" thing to do. It was also interesting to see there reactions to it. I'm so excited for my county fair that starts next monday. I will probably go to the rodeo, derby, and tractor pull. I must say that I miss going to fair's and experiencing my childhood. Showed my horse at the fair for 11 years straight. Brings back good memories :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dill Street

Dill Street is a bar/club here in my college town, and tonight was the first time I actually experienced it. Interesting to say the least. They have a balcony above the dance floor where guys watch the girls dance below. Definitely a weird feeling. Someone broke a bottle and the second it happened security comes over to sweep it up. Could you ever see that happening in Sweden? I was shocked. Everyone kept saying "excuse me, excuse me" rather than just pushing. Kindof nice, but I sortof miss the pushing! :) And guys grope you the whole time your on the dance floor and you just wanna be like, "get the f*** off me!" (even though i did enjoy dancing like that in Sweden)
But here it's just different, don't know why! Also guy's had actually bought me drinks, given that it was a special tonight $1.25, you call it; which means anything you want you get for that price. Shots, pitchers of beer, vodka, anything! :) But over all it was a good time, but I enjoy glada ankan and Bluemoon Bar more! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I spoke with my cousin Isabelle tonight. Great convo. Spoke about the upcoming family wedding, movies, life, career, and parties! At least talking with her pasts my time in Muncie. Will be leaving this coming Sunday to go back home for the rest of the summer. Not even a month will go by before I must come back to start school again. Move in date is Aug. 15th and school starts the 24th. O what fun senior year will be :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Last week of classes

Today starts the last week of summer classes. Gosh am I happy for that. After this week just only one more month then I start school all over again. Feels like I have been going to school now for a WHOLE year! Kindof exhausting i must say. 4 projects, 3 quizzes, plus exam all due on Friday. Thank goodness my teacher understands that, that's a lot of stuff to finish in a week and is giving 2 of the quizzes open book! :) Made my day. Did nothing this past weekend. Stayed in both nights. My life has it's boring days unfortunately! Now it's work, work, work!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter

So tonight I went and saw Harry Potter. It was a sold out show, of course. To my disappointment the movie was not good at all. There was no climax, not enough wizard fighting, and just dull. Supposedly they spent around $250 million on the movie, but you can't even tell. Yes, the special affects are really well done; the rest is not that great. But I do think you need to see it in the theaters in order to get the full affect. Just go to a matinee showing, because really it's not worth the $8.50 at night!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Great Day in a Long time

Could have been possibly one of the best days ever! I got to speak with Caroline, Clara, and Jonas today on webcam! It was like "European Day" :P Got to catch up on all of the gossip happening in Europe. :) Also discussed about New Years. Hmmmm, Stockholm or Germany? Leaning towards Germany because I haven't seen my German girls in a long time. After that, back to Sweden. I need to make money first in order to afford to go back! :) It's going ok at the moment. The county fair is coming up next week and I think I'm going to go. Either to watch the tractor pull or the demolition derby. Who knows, maybe both? Well, must say I loved today! :)

Friday, July 10, 2009


The summer in Muncie is probably one of the most boring summers I have ever had. Glad it's almost over in 2 weeks. Friday night and I'm sitting at home. There really isn't anything going on here in this town. Wish I was back in Karlstad with all of my crazy friends!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

I went to my home town in Hamilton, OH for the 4th! I had a blast. Went to a party of a high school friend and saw many friends from high school. It was sortof like a mini reunion, which was nice! I didn't get to see fireworks, which i was sortof disappointed about. Summer school is going well, and very fast. I only have 2 more weeks then I'm finished. Can't believe how fast it's going. I will go home after summer school for about a month and then head back to school to finally start my senior year of college! It goes by fast!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Day in Muncie

Haven't really been up to anything these past couple of days. Still looking for a job and filling out different applications but thats all. Went out last night to a bar and met some South Koreans which was really fun. I'm going home for the fourth of July which I'm pretty excited! Already a party to go to and can't wait to see some fireworks. :) It's been pretty cold here these past couple of days. About 24 or so. I know in Sweden that would be summer, but gosh I'm use to 40 so its a little chilly for me!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


So the weekends here in Muncie surely don't add up as great as the ones I had in K-town. I miss everyone so much! :( Life is at a lot slower pace here in Indiana, but I'm sortof getting use to it all. I love driving, but at times I do miss bus number 2 Thursday nights! :) I had to study a lot this weekend due to a test coming up this Monday. A week into school and already have tests. Gotta love summer school!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer School

Summer school started this past Monday. It's not as bad as I would have thought. A lot of my friends decided to study this summer, so that worked out perfectly! Campus definitely feels small compared to what it usually does. Sort of feels like I'm back in Karlstad :) (Only wish) Trying to find a job in Muncie, which is turning out to be quite hard since the economy is so bad. Year a abroad=BROKE! :( But to me it was totally worth, and still think about it everyday. Only if I could bring all my friends here with me. Ball State has changed a lot over a year. A lot of buildings under construction, but of course none will be finished till after I graduate. GO FIGURE! Just signed a lease to my new apartment for this coming school year. I'm super pumped about that. My first apartment in the states! :) Now I'm just trying to survive the summer time heat! (+35)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hej då Sweden, Hej Hej America

I just got back this past Monday. Life at home is great, but a little hard to adjust to. I forgot how big everything looks in America. It's great to see old friends, but at the same time a little hard to find conversation since we havent really been in touch for the past ten months. I have a little bit of catching up to do. I miss Sweden more than anyone can imagine. All I have to say is thank goodness I'm coming back for New Years. Gotta say I miss my girls in Sweden. My Finnish, Italian, and Swede! Love ya girls! :) And I surely can't forget my great German girls the first semester! You all but come to the states, since I did come to Germany! :p The weather here I must say I love, but gosh it sure is hot. Forgot how hot it really gets in Ohio. About 35 degrees! It's killing me. Cant wear my jean leggins anymore :( Summer school is this coming Monday, which I'm sortof looking forward to. I can't wait to see my friends that are studying this summer. Kelly get ready for our girl nights! :) Hopefully I will find a job this summer in Muncie. Keep my fingers crossed! Now I just have to wait for the time to pass until New Years! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Goodbyes are just c-ya laters

So everyone has left campus and its very lonely. Just said goodbye to one of my favorite finnish girls ever! Will miss her, but will be seeing her in December, so its all good! :) Going to Stockholm this weekend so I'm pretty excited about that. My plane leaves for the states June 15th, which will be a shock. Havent been back in 10 months, so I'm really excited to see my family/friends. I will for sure miss all the great friends that I have met here. Wish there were ryanair flights from the states to Europe. Gosh that would make life easier!

Monday, June 8, 2009

High on Life

This past weekend was my last in K-town. Not forever though! :) Great weekend it was to end my semester abroad. Today Cate, Anniina, an I rented the free bikes and biked around town all day. Not such a great day to do it, because it almost rained on us. Took pictures and enjoyed the little town that I have come to love the last 10 months. I'm also reading this great book called New Moon. I'm sure everyone has heard of it, but if not, seriously go out and buy it! You will fall in love with Edward/Vampires! :) Today also marks one week till I'm back in the states. Kindof hard to deal with that reality right now, but all great things must come to an end in order to start another....

Friday, June 5, 2009


So didn't really realize how much stuff I had actually brought for ten months! ALOT!!! It's sad to think that my time is almost over. Just 10 days left and I am back in the states. Good or bad, who knows? Almost a whole year of my life was spent here and its hard to think that now it's over. Leaving tons of things as well because of all the great things that I need to bring back. :) Last weekend in K-town, and it should be amazing. American football game tonight and then koriander later tonight; tomorrow night BMB! Can't wait!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Library

You really learn to appreciate all that the library has to offer. Quiet place to study, number 1's-10's, and just being able to sit and chat with friends. How many times I have actually "studied" there is far between! I always seem to get caught up in good conversation and forget the real reason for actually being there. Today I couldn't tell you what I actually learned. Sometimes you just sit there and talk or study because you don't want to go back to your boring room. Also being in your room doesn't offer number 1's or 2's. I then leave the library for a great lunch Thai buffet, but always end up back in the library after lunch. O how I love the library! :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer has arrived

This weekend was one of the best weekends so far this spring/summer! Went to a summer house in Gustavsfors and had so much fun just hanging out by the lake and enjoying the great weather we get here in Sweden. I did pay for it though, and ended up with about 10 mosquito bites, NO LIE!!! :( I saw an American football game, Carlstad Crusaders, which was a lot of fun. They won, of course. Went to BMB Saturday night. I love that bar/club. Today we went tanning out by the lake here in town and enjoyed the nature/lake. We made homemade Swedish meatballs and then decided to go play on the swings to help digest our bellies! :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

A night in K-town

The night was a lot of fun, but me and Caroline were disappointed with our researching that we did that night! :( Loved the Pippi Longstocking outfit! And I really hope your knee gets better before the big football game on Saturday, then Bluemoon. Ida you were just as pretty as Princess Leia. Before the big game I must go take some R & R at my good friends summer house for the night. Can't wait! Be back Saturday to cheer on the Karlstad Crusaders!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Beautiful Day

Today I went running! That's a shock because I hardly ever run, let alone exercise. When the weather almost reaches 20 degrees it makes you want to do something besides sit in your room, so why not exercise? Found a great pair of leggins at the opening of the new Vila in Bergvik, ON SALE! Shopped for groceries which soon will come to an end, sadly. But a great day it was.

Monday, May 25, 2009

3 weeks left

Today marks 3 weeks till my plane home to good ol' Ross, OH. It's amazing how fast time flies. I feel like I just got here yesterday. April 2008 is when I found out that I was headed to Karlstad, Sweden. Now in June 2009 it's all over. Definitely have mixed feelings on coming home, because at the same time I would love to stay here in Sweden. I'm home for 5-6 days then off to summer school I go. :( Let's just hope that these last 3 weeks go as slow as possible! I don't think they will, but we can always hope. Amazing how time flies when your having a great time!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Gosh what a weekend to remember! New an old exchange students came together, along with the swedes to party all "day and night". Great seeing old friends from last semester. Krama (my Swedish soccer team) tried to kick ass in Cope de Kau but failed, probably due to my lack of soccer skills. But who cares about winning, it's all about having fun, and that we did :) O gosh and did me and Carolina have fun with number 1 and number 2. Haha...good times, but my balcony is still crowded! You know when it's a good night when people have to be pulled out of the bushes because they passed out in the forest. O Swedish people....love' em!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

An American in Sweden

This is my first blog and have decided to start one because I have had so many great adventures and would like to share them. I'm in Sweden and am loving every moment of it. I could say I'm feeling more and more like a Swede. I go to the library and ignore everyone that I saw over the weekend, because who knows I probably made an ass out of myself over the weekend. If I didn't have systembolaget supplying me with all of my alcohol, then it wouldn't be such a problem. Then we have campusfesten coming up this weekend, which basically = ALL DAY DRINKING/PARTYING!! :) Just another excuse to drink. Gosh do these Swedes love to drink, and now I'm falling into that same habit. Going back home will feel more like rehab, but who's complaining, NOT ME!!! Now that the sun stays out till almost 11pm I have become more social than during the dark months, when the sun went down at 3pm.
Gotta love the Swedish lifestyle!