Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize???

So I need to voice my opinion on this issue.  Honestly I like Obama, but did he deserve the peace prize?  NO WAY!  As we all know the deadline to nominate people for the peace prize was two weeks after he came president.  He had accomplished nothing within those two weeks.  I agree with the critics, even though I'm for Obama.  He didn't deserve it and as states ""But at the same time Obama is the president of the biggest military power in the world and is waging two wars in the world. That should certainly disqualify him from a peace prize".  I agree with that statement fully.  Yes, he has done a lot with the world and still is, but he hasn't had a big accomplishment that would qualify him for such an award.  Obama stated himself that he was shocked to know that he won the award; that should say something right there!  I still can not believe he won!    

1 comment:

  1. Its sick! everyone else who win, have fighted for the cause for like 50 years or something.. not 2 weeks. I agree with you
