Monday, May 24, 2010


I went home this past weekend to go back for a graduation party.  It was two friends from high school that were graduating college.  It was tons of fun.  Going back home this past weekend made me really realize how much I actually love the town Ross, OH even though sometimes it feels tiny with no culture or even diversity.  I grew up there and I can say I really appreciate the fact that I did.  I love all of my old friends still and even though we do get older and take different paths, doesn't mean you need to stop being friends.  It also made me question where I really want to end up in life too.  I enjoy being able to kick back and be in the country side, with a back yard and look out and see fields.  I live in an apartment complex at school and living in apartment you get no backyard.  The closest thing I get to feeling at home is the pool at the complex.  I miss the grass, trees, openness, and just being able to jump on a 4-wheeler and ride and get dirty.  Well for now I'm stuck in an apartment...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Indy/Figuring out life

I went to Indy this weekend once again.  Talk about another amazing time.  I really didn't know how great that city can be.  Maybe it was because I was with good people as well.  We just went to barbecues and bars.  A lot of fun.  We talked about the awkward stage; going from a student to your first "job".  It's hard when you rely on your parents so much financially to finally break loose from that.  Landing the "first job" is hard, and scary when you start to think that you will need to make so much, because of bills.  I'm glad I at least have an idea on what I want to do and am working towards that.  Asia here I come....      

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Looking for a job

It's funny on how when you are looking for a job and it starts to get a little difficult you almost become more open to the idea of jobs that you would not have thought of before.  Or look for jobs that never interest you before, but now that you are getting desperate you will take it, just for the sake of having a job.  I am now currently looking for jobs in Taiwan as well.  Would I have ever thought of looking for jobs in Taiwan?  Well, no, but at the same time, the idea is not so bad.  I'm so open to what lies ahead, that I'm positive whatever job I will get, I will be satisfied.  I have no attachments, and it will be my first job in the real world.  I want to hit the ground running in whatever life throws at me!!!   

Monday, May 10, 2010


I just graduated college!  It was so much fun and I can't believe it is over.  My cousin, aunt, and uncle came up for the ceremonies as well.  It is scary to think that it is now all over.  My first job will hopefully be in South Korea teaching English to kids.  I'm still working on the applications and hopefully will be there by late June or July.  I feel weird thinking that now I have to plan what I will do next, where before I just knew come August I would have school again.  Now I need to make plans for every month and every step I take from here on out.  Little nervous to say the least!!!  

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

School is coming to an end.

School is coming to an end and my graduation is right around the corner.  I'm finishing up my final audio project and have the showcase for it tomorrow.  I'm excited on how it's turning out!  This past weekend we celebrated Valborg in the states, which was so fun.  My aunt and uncle are coming to town this weekend to celebrate my graduation.  Stressed with the everything going on and trying to get things done.  It's a lot since it's at the end of the semester.  Well Saturday May 8th, 2010 is the big day!!!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!  :)  Life will begin...