Saturday, June 27, 2009


So the weekends here in Muncie surely don't add up as great as the ones I had in K-town. I miss everyone so much! :( Life is at a lot slower pace here in Indiana, but I'm sortof getting use to it all. I love driving, but at times I do miss bus number 2 Thursday nights! :) I had to study a lot this weekend due to a test coming up this Monday. A week into school and already have tests. Gotta love summer school!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer School

Summer school started this past Monday. It's not as bad as I would have thought. A lot of my friends decided to study this summer, so that worked out perfectly! Campus definitely feels small compared to what it usually does. Sort of feels like I'm back in Karlstad :) (Only wish) Trying to find a job in Muncie, which is turning out to be quite hard since the economy is so bad. Year a abroad=BROKE! :( But to me it was totally worth, and still think about it everyday. Only if I could bring all my friends here with me. Ball State has changed a lot over a year. A lot of buildings under construction, but of course none will be finished till after I graduate. GO FIGURE! Just signed a lease to my new apartment for this coming school year. I'm super pumped about that. My first apartment in the states! :) Now I'm just trying to survive the summer time heat! (+35)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hej då Sweden, Hej Hej America

I just got back this past Monday. Life at home is great, but a little hard to adjust to. I forgot how big everything looks in America. It's great to see old friends, but at the same time a little hard to find conversation since we havent really been in touch for the past ten months. I have a little bit of catching up to do. I miss Sweden more than anyone can imagine. All I have to say is thank goodness I'm coming back for New Years. Gotta say I miss my girls in Sweden. My Finnish, Italian, and Swede! Love ya girls! :) And I surely can't forget my great German girls the first semester! You all but come to the states, since I did come to Germany! :p The weather here I must say I love, but gosh it sure is hot. Forgot how hot it really gets in Ohio. About 35 degrees! It's killing me. Cant wear my jean leggins anymore :( Summer school is this coming Monday, which I'm sortof looking forward to. I can't wait to see my friends that are studying this summer. Kelly get ready for our girl nights! :) Hopefully I will find a job this summer in Muncie. Keep my fingers crossed! Now I just have to wait for the time to pass until New Years! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Goodbyes are just c-ya laters

So everyone has left campus and its very lonely. Just said goodbye to one of my favorite finnish girls ever! Will miss her, but will be seeing her in December, so its all good! :) Going to Stockholm this weekend so I'm pretty excited about that. My plane leaves for the states June 15th, which will be a shock. Havent been back in 10 months, so I'm really excited to see my family/friends. I will for sure miss all the great friends that I have met here. Wish there were ryanair flights from the states to Europe. Gosh that would make life easier!

Monday, June 8, 2009

High on Life

This past weekend was my last in K-town. Not forever though! :) Great weekend it was to end my semester abroad. Today Cate, Anniina, an I rented the free bikes and biked around town all day. Not such a great day to do it, because it almost rained on us. Took pictures and enjoyed the little town that I have come to love the last 10 months. I'm also reading this great book called New Moon. I'm sure everyone has heard of it, but if not, seriously go out and buy it! You will fall in love with Edward/Vampires! :) Today also marks one week till I'm back in the states. Kindof hard to deal with that reality right now, but all great things must come to an end in order to start another....

Friday, June 5, 2009


So didn't really realize how much stuff I had actually brought for ten months! ALOT!!! It's sad to think that my time is almost over. Just 10 days left and I am back in the states. Good or bad, who knows? Almost a whole year of my life was spent here and its hard to think that now it's over. Leaving tons of things as well because of all the great things that I need to bring back. :) Last weekend in K-town, and it should be amazing. American football game tonight and then koriander later tonight; tomorrow night BMB! Can't wait!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Library

You really learn to appreciate all that the library has to offer. Quiet place to study, number 1's-10's, and just being able to sit and chat with friends. How many times I have actually "studied" there is far between! I always seem to get caught up in good conversation and forget the real reason for actually being there. Today I couldn't tell you what I actually learned. Sometimes you just sit there and talk or study because you don't want to go back to your boring room. Also being in your room doesn't offer number 1's or 2's. I then leave the library for a great lunch Thai buffet, but always end up back in the library after lunch. O how I love the library! :)