Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sweden I love you, but c'mon!!!

Immigrant Weddings in Sweden are suddenly being looked down upon.  In the town Landskrona immigrants who would like to get married are suddenly being denied because of stereotypes.  The town says that immigrants usually leave a mess and when it comes to paying rent for the space, they just pay one large sum in a wad of bills.  The "Swedes" said they do not follow the norms of the Swedish society.  If people in America said that to everyone who was a different race or nationality the country would be an a uproar.  America was built on immigrants.  I feel from past experiences that Europeans don't understand the concept of the "melting pot" and look down on people from other countries.  Of course, I'm stereotyping just a bit, because its certainly not everyone from Europe, but in general a lot of nationalities in Europe do look down on other nationalities either because of history or other reasons.  Sweden needs to learn to accept other nationalities, may it be immigrants or people of different backgrounds that were born in Sweden.


  1. i don't see america as a melting pot. because not everyone assimilates and that gives america its different cultures.

  2. ask peopel in the world what they think about USA and then ask people what they think about Euorpe and Sweden. What kind of answer do you think will come up? just a question.
